Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prophetic Visage: Movie Advice of the Month

Or, "What NOT to Do When Given a Prophetic Message by a Strange, Usually Otherworldly Character concerning Impending Doom or Destruction of You and/or Your Loved Ones."

I've seen it a million times. Guy/Gal runs into some ethereal character or self-proclaimed oracle. Oracle tells him/her about at great tragedy that will befall them sometime in the future. In great anxiety, our character tries in vain to prevent the prophecy, and by their "preventative" actions, actually bring about the fulfillment of the prophecy itself. It's at least as old as Oedipus and Antigone.

So when given some message of negative destiny from some elusive doomsayer, we at Conversio suggest this: do nothing. Just continue on business as usual. Do your best to ignore the prophecy. Just get a cup of coffee, watch a movie, and try to forget the whole thing.

Some things to keep in mind:

1. Never try to kill the guy that is prophesied to destroy you, especially if he is your best friend. Chances are, your actions will begin the process that leads to your destruction.

2. Do not trust the advice of power-hungry, malicious, ambitious wives. This goes not only for prophetic instances, but life in general.

3. Do not trust old, mysterious men who shoot lightning out of their hands to have the ability to undo the prophetic pronouncement. This is a really, really bad idea (though it could lead to having a really cool voice).

If this does not work, and doing nothing does, no pun intended, absolutely nothing to prevent the prophecy, well, please do not blame us for this advice. I mean, it was a fateful prophecy. Hard to compete with that.


By the way, I apologize for the hiatus. School has begun again, and I have been very busy. I have seen several great movies, and hope to update you soon. Until then, peace.


-z said...
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-z said...

Allow me to quote from Roger Ebert's review of "The Omen" remake from 2006:

"Father Brennan (Peter Postlethwaite) is the point man for the Catholics, breathlessly bursting into Robert's office to warn him that "the child must die!" What child? "Your son, Mr. Thorn! The son of the devil!" Father Brennan must have skipped class at the seminary during the sessions on pastoral counseling techniques. He does not make an impressive appearance, looking less like a messenger of truth and more like he has a problem with the sacramental wine."

Doug W said...

This, of course, is why I'm not a Calvinist.