Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thom's Top 30, Part 2

Thom's Top 30 Criterion Collection Movies

Listed in alphabetical order by director, then, if there is more than one by a given director, in order from most to least favorite:

Secret Honor, Robert Altman
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Wes Anderson
Rushmore, Wes Anderson
The Royal Tenenbaums, Wes Anderson
Bottle Rocket, Wes Anderson
The Seventh Seal, Ingmar Bergman
Day of Wrath, Carl Theodor Dreyer
Brazil, Terry Gilliam
Rebecca, Alfred Hitchcock
Down by Law, Jim Jarmusch
Monty Python's Life of Brian, Terry Jones
Kagemusha, Akira Kurosawa
Ikiru, Akira Kurosawa
I Live in Fear, Akira Kurosawa
Stray Dog, Akira Kurosawa
Red Beard, Akira Kurosawa
Throne of Blood, Akira Kurosawa
Sanjuro, Akira Kurosawa
Drunken Angel, Akira Kurosawa
High and Low
, Akira Kurosawa
The Bad Sleep Well, Akira Kurosawa
M, Fritz Lang
Brief Encounter, David Lean
Salesman, David and Albert Maysles
Straw Dogs, Sam Peckinpah
The Third Man, Carol Reed
Night and Fog, Alain Resnais
How to Get Ahead in Advertising, Bruce Robinson
The Element of Crime, Lars Von Trier
Ace in the Hole, Billy Wilder


Alex said...

Have you seen the whole list? It's like 500, right? And why is Seven Samurai not on there?

Thom Stark said...

I haven't seen every Criterion movie, but I HAVE every Criterion movie. I've seen over 200 of them.

Seven Samurai is not on there because it is too obvious, and it's not even in my top ten favorite Kurosawa movies, even though it's still a masterpiece.